Cooking Is The Way To A Man’s Heart


Cooking Is The Way To A Man’s Heart

November 15, 2015

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When you first start cooking, you need to begin somewhere. Not everyone is born with the ability to cook. However, cooking is a skill that can be taught to all. There is some foundational knowledge that needs to be acquired in order to become the chef that you want to be. There are tips below that can help you start.

TIP! If you are working on creating more home-cooked meals, try the library for cookbooks that offer a variety of easy recipes that will be fun to prepare. Try a few recipes, and be patient with yourself as you are mastering this new skill.

If you are making stir-fry meals, you should slice the meat as thin as possible and cut it on the bias. This can take time and be tricky. When the meat is firm, not frozen, slice it across the grain at an angle of 45 degrees.

Here is a tip that will thicken your sauce quickly and easily so that all your hard work will have not been wasted. In a medium sized bowl, mix together 1 tblsp water and 2 tblsp corn starch. While stirring, introduce the liquid into your sauce while it is simmering. Be sure to slowly add the starch solution to your sauce until you achieve the desired thickness.

TIP! Oil should be added to the side of the pan. When it reaches the food, it will already be heated up.

A good cook takes pride in keeping a set of well-sharpened knives. Blunted knives do not cut things well, and they can also pose a safety hazard. It is easy to cut yourself if you are using a dull knife than slicing it with a very sharp one.

It is a good practice to place cut potatoes in a bath of cold water for about half and hour, before frying in order to get crispy fries. Soaking potatoes accomplishes two important things for your French fries; it takes out sugar and starch during the soaking process.

TIP! Here’s a trick you can use to save your sauce fast! Combine 1 tablespoon corn starch with 2 tablespoons water, and stir together in a separate bowl. Add the mixture into sauce and set to simmer in order to thicken it.

It is possible to lower the fat and calorie content of mashed potatoes without impacting the taste or texture by replacing some of the potato content with cauliflower. The taste of cauliflower will blend nicely with the potatoes. When they’re mashed, cauliflowers have the same appearance and consistency as potatoes, too. Adding a little cauliflower can take calories out of your favorite mashed potato recipes and add in a little vegetable goodness, too.

Fresh Basil

TIP! If you are seasoning some meats, you should try a small piece of it before you cook all of it. Many foods, like hamburgers, meatloaf and meatballs take careful seasoning to taste great.

Do you enjoy flavoring your food with fresh basil? Store basil in a glass jar. The stems should be thoroughly covered in water. Next, place the basil and glass on the kitchen counter; the herb will remain fresh for a week or more. With some care, you may even be able to encourage the basil to grow roots. Occasional pruning of the basil might instigate even more growth, which means you can have a steady supply of fresh basil even longer.

Much like a sponge, the mushrooms will absorb the water. Use a clean cloth to wipe them off.

TIP! Keep your kitchen knives sharp. It might seem odd at first, but it makes perfect sense.

Like many types of delicious ingredients, there’s a downside to using garlic: its scent can transfer to your hands. By rubbing your hands inside a stainless sink after handling pungent smelling foods. This cleanses you hands thoroughly to avoid transferring the flavor of garlic to other foods.

Chicken Broth

TIP! Do you want to cook with fresh basil? Place a few fresh sprouts in a glass. Make sure the basil’s stems are covered in water.

Try cooking your vegetables in chicken broth. Try cooking your veggies in chicken broth. It adds a nice flavor, and the veggies will not stick to the pan. Chicken broth can be found at almost all local grocery stores at a very cheap price.

Sauteing veggies in a bit of chicken broth is a healthy way you can prepare them. The chicken broth will cut down on the fat in your vegetable dishes while enhancing their flavor. This method of cooking vegetables will be tasty and rich in nutrients.

TIP! Garlic aromas can transfer to your hands and be hard to get rid of. If you have a stainless steel sink or other utensil, rub your hands over the inside of the sink to remove the smell.

Even if you have never really made a meal before, if you have the ability to follow a recipe, you can start cooking in no time. It really isn’t as hard as some people think. When you keep the tips you learned here in mind, there will be no stopping you.

About the Author: admin

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