Family Gatherings: How To Cook For Large Crowds


It does take a little bit of time to develop the skill of cooking. Regardless of the reason you want to cook, it is good to have information. Here are some effective, useful tips that will guide you along the way to great taste.

TIP! Cooking with skewers may seem easy; however, there are some tips that will make your skewer cuisine delicious every time. When using metal skewers, opt for those that are square-shaped or twisted; these will hold onto food better than round models can.

Spices should be stored in an area with little light and low temperatures, like a pantry. When they are stored in the sun, they lose shelf life because of exposure. Storing your spices in a cool location far from direct sunlight will help them last longer and taste better. Fresh spices can greatly enhance your meals, making this effort well worth your time.

If using oil in your cooking, pour it in the pan in an area away from the food. By the time the oil reaches the food it has been heated up and is ready to roll. This will give your food maximum flavor when it is done cooking.

TIP! You can salvage the work you’ve done and quickly rectify the situation with this little trick. Mix together 1 tablespoon cornstarch and 2 tablespoons of water.

Make sure that the knives you are using are very sharp. Knives that have been allowed to dull are dangerous and difficult to use. It is more likely that you will cut yourself while trying to get a dull knife to cut something than when you use a well-sharpened knife.

Before cooking your pumpkin, have it standing in a vertical position and slice it directly down from the stem the entire way around, making two equal halves. You then want to get two baking sheets and put the halves on their cut side down. Sprinkle a tiny bit of water on them and bake at 350 degrees for about an hour.

Now you may have fresh fruit at anytime during the year. Plus, you will be able to have fruits that are not available at certain times of the year.

Cooling Rack

TIP! To make the cooking process easier and faster, many preparatory steps can be completed ahead of time. Look at your recipe ahead of time and draft up a list of what you can do to get ready, but don’t risk spoiling any ingredients.

Try drying your own fresh tomatoes. Just slice them when ripe to about 1/2″ thickness. Lay your tomato slices across a cooling rack with the cut-side facing up, and salt them lightly. Place the cooling rack on a cookie sheet and dry in a 190 degree oven for up to 10 hours. After the tomatoes have cooled, place them in plastic bags, and store them in the freezer. You can also pack dried tomatoes in a jar with some fresh herbs and olive oil. Put this jar in the fridge and use it up in two weeks time.

Don’t throw away any leftovers from your turkey. Try cutting them up, storing them in a container that is airtight, and then place them in the freezer. Doing this will keep the meat fresh for longer, allowing you to use it in many different ways.

TIP! To eat healthier and get rid of unwanted weight, it is important to use less oil when you cook. Substances such as oil and butter contain unnecessary fat.

When using fresh herbs in your meal, including dill and parsley, place the herbs together in bunches, and cut them with scissors. This practice does not get herbs wet like chopping would, and makes them generally fluffier and lighter.

If you are planning a complex meal, reduce your stress by doing the prep the night before. Gather all your ingredients together, chop what needs to be chopped, measure out all the required herbs and spices and make sure you have everything that you need on hand. You will only have to get everything put together when it’s time for you to cook.

TIP! Be sure to soak your wooden skewers in water for at least 30 minutes before using. This will help to prevent burning when they are cooking.

Use your creativity as much as you can. You do not have to follow a recipe to the “T”. Sometimes making minor changes can make the dish taste even better than it did when following the original recipe. The ability to think creatively shows the heart of a real cook.

Wooden Cutting

TIP! If your recipe calls for a liquid, try using something other than water or milk. This will add a spark to that tired old dish.

Always take good care of your wooden cutting board. Wooden cutting boards can warp and split if they are exposed to heat and moisture or if they are stored in an excessively dry area. Don’t immerse it in water. Instead, quickly wash it with soapy warm water. Bring a damaged wood board back to life with regular oiling, using only oil made for cutting boards. Make sure that the cutting board has completely dried before using.

Hopefully, you are now prepared to apply what you have learned in this article. Implement the discussed tips into your cooking. Whatever your motivation is for learning to cook, you can gain great satisfaction preparing a meal with your own hands! It’s no secret that it does take some skill to be a good cook. The resulting meal will make it all worth it in the end.

About the Author: admin

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