Perfect Your Meals With These Tips


Perfect Your Meals With These Tips

June 14, 2016

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Food is necessary for survival. However, simply eating to continue your existence is not a very exciting way to look at food. It is better to cook something delicious than to eat something delicious. Read the following suggestions to help you advance your cooking to a higher level.

TIP! A cool and dark location is best for storing spices and herbs. Their flavors will be weakened when they are exposed to light, heat or humidity.

Your spices should be stored in any area that is dark and cool. If the spices become too hot, or moist from humidity, it can shorten their shelf life. Too much light exposure also does this. Storing your spices in a dark location with a lower temperature will help preserve them longer. Better tasting meals are the result of the ingredients you use, including the freshest spices possible.

There’s a neat trick you can use to save your sauce. Mix two spoons of water and one spoon of corn starch in a bowl. While stirring, introduce the liquid into your sauce while it is simmering. To keep from over-thickening the sauce, stir it constantly and add the starch mixture gradually.

TIP! To make a delicious beef stir-fry, slice your meat thinly and across the grain. This can get a little tricky and does tend to take up some time.

When making food for someone whom you want to impress, stick to a familiar dish that you are confident preparing. This is not the time for testing new recipes or new ingredients. You will enjoy cooking more if you have greater peace of mind.

If you wish to have crispy French fries, then you should soak the potatoes in cool water for 30 minutes and then fry them. Soaking the sliced potatoes in cold water strengthens the potato fibers so they will not break down so much when you fry them in the hot oil.

Fresh Basil

if fresh basil what you’re cooking with? Fill an empty glass with fresh basil. The stems will then need to be covered with water. Put it on top of your kitchen counter and it will be fresh for weeks! Change the water from time to time so that the basil grows roots. Trim or cut the basil regularly to encourage growth and you will be able to enjoy fresh basil!

TIP! Invest in a knife sharpener to make cutting any ingredient easier. Dull knives make cutting very difficult, and this makes them much more dangerous than sharp knives.

If your burgers tend to stick to your grill, it might be hard to cook them while preserving their shape. To prevent your burgers from sticking, brush the grill with oil prior to cooking.

If you must use oil in your cooking, choose extra virgin oil to reduce the amount of saturated fat in your dish. When you add butter and oil to food, you are adding unnecessary fat. To achieve the same results as oil without the unhealthy fat, try using a nonstick spray.

TIP! Cooking vegetables quickly improves their overall quality. Using slow cooking methods can rob vegetable of their taste and nutritional value.

If you choose the wooden versions of cooking skewers, it is a good idea to immerse them in water, and leave them there for about half an hour before using them. Using this method, you will not burn them when you’re cooking. Use two parallel skewers as opposed to a single skewer to keep food intact.

When you’re making foods that need seasoning, use a little in intervals of a few minutes versus all of it directly at the beginning. Then the foods absorb the seasonings rather than being caked with them.

TIP! Ice cube trays are fabulous for freezing and storing leftover sauce. This way, the next time you want some sauce, all you need to do is saute it in a pan.

Do not dress your guests’ salads. Serve the dressing on the side and allow your guests to dress it to their liking. The amount dressing that people prefer on their salad varies so allow guests to add their own dressing. Offer a variety of dressings, so there will be something to everyone’s taste.

If you’re overwhelmed with dinner prep for the family, try to do some food prep the night prior. Do little things for your meals the night before so your mealtime will be a little bit easier. Cooking will be less stressful if you have prepared everything in advance.

TIP! It can be difficult to figure out how long you need to keep meat on the grill. Using a meat thermometer, especially one with a precise digital readout, is a good idea for checking whether the meat is cooked or not.

Unripened fruits should be placed into a plastic bag with holes in it. Ethylene gas is produced as a by-product of the ripening process. If you put them in the bag with holds the air will go through the bag, and the gas will stay in, helping the fruits retain their wonderful taste.

The fun of cooking is often as enjoyable as eating the product it creates. Use those tips to add little additions as you go. You will drastically improve your cooking skills, and everyone is going to want to try your recipes.

About the Author: admin

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